Representations of older people in migration, care and ageing studies




older people, social sciences, health sciences, migration, care


The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the treatment of older people in the literature on Latin American and Caribbean migration, ageing and the local/transnational organisation of care from the 1960s to the present. We conducted a qualitative content analysis of 134 academic literature sources from the health and social sciences, identifying three analytical points of focus that show the predominant representations of older people in the literature: vulnerable, dependent, and carers. Finally, we reflected on the existence of ageist and family-based biases regarding older people in the texts reviewed. In this sense, we have pointed out the need to include critical and self-critical reflections on the production of knowledge, in order to avoid reproducing harmful stereotypes about certain social groups (in this case, the elderly) in our research. We also indicate the need for a dialogue between ageing studies and the literature on migration and care, which will enhance diverse perspectives on the possible ways of ageing.


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Author Biographies

Herminia Gonzálvez-Torralbo, Universidad Central de Chile

Profesora Titular, Facultad de Derecho y Humanidades, Instituto de Investigación y Doctorados, Universidad Central de Chile. Doctora en Antropología Social y Diversidad Cultural por la Universidad de Granada, España.

da Silva villar, Universidad Central de Chile.

Investigadora Postdoctoral, Facultad de Derecho y Humanidades, Instituto de Investigación y Doctorados, Universidad Central de Chile. Doctora en Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Psicóloga por la Universidad Católica Don Bosco (Brasil).


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How to Cite

Gonzálvez-Torralbo, H., & da Silva villar. (2024). Representations of older people in migration, care and ageing studies. Si Somos Americanos, 24.




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