Challenging the migration regime in Iquique

Practices of resistance from civil society




civil society organisation, migration regime, practices of resistance


In the city of Iquique, in northern Chile, new features can currently be identified regarding the phenomenon of migration. This is due to the entry of migrants through unauthorised border crossings, which has mainly occurred since the closure of the borders by law during the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking into account that global migration regimes share similar dynamics in different geographical locations, but encounter a variety of local processes, this article seeks to analyse the specific form that the migration regime has taken in this particular local context. The article explores how civil society organisations challenge the migration regime at the local level, identifying various practices of resistance. For this particular study, six problem-focused interviews were conducted with people who form part of civil society organisations involved in migrants' struggles in the aforementioned city. The testimonies gathered indicate that the migration regime is being challenged at the local level through diverse practices of solidarity and collective resistance by civil society at the grass-roots level, and that the types of resistance that have been adopted have different transformative effects that influence migration policies.


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Author Biography

Marielena Groos, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany

Máster en Migración Internacional y Estudios Interculturales, Universidad de Osnabrück, Alemania, y máster en Políticas Sociales e Intervención Sociocomunitaria, Universidad de La Coruña, España.


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How to Cite

Groos, M. (2023). Challenging the migration regime in Iquique: Practices of resistance from civil society. Si Somos Americanos, 23.


